Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What an ice storm

I had a very interesting commute to work today. My valley and the drive all the way to about 1/4 of the way up the mountain was just rain and wet roads. Then about 1/4 the way up the mountain all of the trees started to get coated in ice. By the time I turned off onto my road along the ridgeline, everything was heavily coated in ice. I had to stop an remove two large trees from the road at one point because they were bigger than what I wanted to drive over. (even in the Jeep) I did get to see a snowplow going down the road just plowing ice chunks and downed limbs from trees. It was pretty entertaining.

I also have my first picture in my blog. woo hoo! It is a close up of the ice on the grass outside my office I took with my camera phone. It is the most I felt I could do without getting in trouble at work. It is a shame they have such strict policies about photographing things on site or I could've snapped some really really neat pictures today.

Oh, I also decided to go ahead and hire on with the main contracting company for the couple weeks until I switch over to the other contracting company. So, I finished filling out the 24 page application today! ugh.

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