Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My name is Chubby

Sorry for the long hiatus. It was a fairly busy weekend and I am finally back to a decent level of rest and have most of my pressing stuff done at the farm, so I can actually blog tonight. Besides, I sorta blogged on Facebook this weekend by writing 25 things about me. It probably wasn't the most uplifting or inspiring list. But, that's what you get when you write it at 5AM.

On a humorous note, I went bowling this weekend. I hadn't done that in years. I started out with a pretty poor showing but, I rolled a 167 in the second game. So, not too embarrassing in the end. It was 10 pin, so it wasn't as much fun as duck pin. But, I made do and the company we bowled with were fun. I also got to wear one of my bowling shirts and insist that I be called "The Dude." So it was all good.

We also did a Super Bowl party at a couple friend's house. We had a really good time and I even got a little jumping on the trampoline time. The game was actually interesting AGAIN this year. I am starting to imagining myself getting excited to watch the actual Superbowl game one year. Nah...

I also made an announcement at lunch on Saturday. I have decided to go back on the Atkins diet. I have done it before and it got me down from 298 to around 210. I slowly gained the weight back on right up to the 300 mark around the middle of last year. I then brought it back down to around 260 by last October. But, I have been hovering around there ever since. This contest at work gave me the spark to get things going again. I cut my calories and shed some weight fairly well. But, I just don't think I can maintain it with the calorie method. It is too hard to decide what to eat and to not cheat. So, I have switched to Atkins and I have stuck with it since Saturday with little difficulty. I have finally pushed through the 250 barrier I had been trying to get through for a while. I really hope to continue to push this month and get through the 240 barrier by the end of it. Then I can continue to work at a good pace towards my main goal of 210.

I think Atkins isn't too bad for me due to my diet habits in the first place. I think most people picture a steak when they think of Atkins. But, I am not a real steak fan. I prefer meat in this order:
- Fish
- Fish
- Vegetables made to resemble meat
- Chicken
- Pork
- Other fowl (except for Turkey)
- Beef
- Turkey

So, with that preference tree. I actually eat a decent amount of healthy food on Atkins. My diet ends up mostly consisting of: Fish, Vegetables, Salads and Chicken. Which I would say isn't too bad. So, I will give this a run and work it with lots of exercise and see where I can get to. Maybe I can stay in this and stay focused and eventually get down to my dream weight of 185. But, that is a loooong ways off.

And to close, I will add an update on my current employment status:

I am now with a new contracting company doing the same job. I started on Monday. This contract is good through 3/4/09. We will see what happens then... or before then...

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