While I am no grammarian and generally a failure when it comes to using the English language properly, I find the rampant misspellings and horribly neglectful sentence structure of blogs to be mind-numbing. I just cannot take a person seriously when they continuously have common words misspelled and sentences that make no sense in their postings.
I guess I was expecting some form of hierarchy in the grammatical world. Of course at the top of that would be books that are printed and published. Hardbacks receive preference over paperbacks. Here is a bulleted list of the "grammar hierarchy" as I think it should be, starting with least leeway for mistakes down to most forgiving:
- Hardback Books
- Paperback Books
- Periodicals
- Major online internet sites that produce semi-static content
- Newspapers
- Major online internet sites that produce semi-fluid content
- AP/Reuters/etc.
- Blogs, Online Journals, Personal Webpages, etc.
- Listserve Postings/Online Forums
- General Email
- Social Networking sites
- Text messages received via cellphone
- Graffiti
So, there you go... I cannot write. I do not have any grammarian skills. (as you see I have sentences that are way to long and my punctuation is downright untamed) But, I have alot of thoughts in my head and it is probably healthy to purge them in some format.
So... expect to hear alot more from me, because man.... do I love to complain.
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