Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Maybe a compromise?

I have a good job and the work I do is interesting.... but....

I feel like I am in a rut. I am tired of dealing with the same IT issues over and over again. I feel like I could do more with my life than fix Linux systems. I know it is a pretty glamorous job and one that many Windows Admins would dream of doing. But, it isn't really as glamorous as it looks on TV.

To remedy this, I think the only route is through grad school. I was seriously pursuing the EMBA program when I was at AOL. But, now I am going to have to throttle back that ambition a bit. I still would like an MBA more than any other degree out there, but, I fear that they are now just a dime a dozen. So, I went off searching for something outside of the MBA tract, but, still interesting to me.
I think I may have found it in the George Mason School of Management. They offer an MS in Technology Management. This would give me the MBA exposure I wanted while giving me a degree in something other than an MBA. It is also in a field I have a good bit of experience in to boot! I have signed up for the March 7th information session. This should be a good opprotunnity to find out what the program is really like and to meet some of the current students and faculty.

Last week I purchased a GMAT review book. I am going to work on a time to take the GMAT in March. I think that regardless of whether the MSTM program is a fit for me or not, I need to get the GMAT out of the way so I can work on applying for whatever program I finally decide on.

The MSTM has a possible start date of Jan. 2010. I think this may be a bit aggressive, but, we will see what I can get done between now and then.

The other bonus to this is that my wife is a Mason grad... So, I am sure she would approve of my school choice. ;)
Ok. Off to bed. I need to get up early so I can be at class on time tomorrow. I am going over inodes and hard and soft links tomorrow. So, it may be a long class.


  1. I hate to burst your little linux bubble, but not all Windows Admins dream of becoming linux or unix admins. Sys Admins are pretty much the same no matter what type of system they administer. Good luck with your schooling.

  2. I've got a similar feeling, only different. ;)

    I'm starting to ponder about eventually leaving the computer field and going into something like wood working or possibly carpentry. I dunno, time will tell. It would be nice to do something that's really 'hands on', especially to be able to say, "See that? I *MADE* that."

  3. Chris, I totally applaud the idea. I always wanted to be a steel worker or something along that line. It would be nice to have a job that was actually creating something tangible.
